Thursday, August 19, 2010

Quick Update

So it has been awhile since I have posted anything. Since my last post I went on vacation and upon returning immediately had to do a stretch in the field again for work. Needless to say that has left very little time for poker since I last wrote. I have however been playing a few 45 man sng's this week trying to get back into a groove. I finally eclipsed the 1000 game mark on Pokerstars too! Not a huge accomplishment for say a pro, but pretty big for a small time player like me. I managed to make $275 profit according to Sharkscope in this time and my avg buy in is $1. So essentially for every dollar I invest I am getting back 27.5 cents, or a ROI of 27.5% (If I'm doing the calc right, sharkscope shows my avg ROI at 56% so I may be wrong). Looking at my grapsh, which I still don't have to post sorry, there have been ups and downs and even seemingly long break even stretch. Overall though it shows an upward trend in profit and there seems to be a huge inflection point where my profit starts to rise dramatically. I attribute this to stepping up my game and really trying to fix my leaks, as well as stepping up the stakes. As of right now I am close to breaking the $300 mark for my bankroll on Stars so I plan to really move towards the $3 45 man games as well as mixing in a few $2 180's. Hopefully this will show an increase in my $/game amount, but I do expect a slight decrease in ROI since the players are bound to be at least a little more competent. It's funny playing the $1 45 man games that even when I feel I am running bad or even playing bad I seem to run deep in at least 1 out of every 4 games I play. I would like to try to keep that in 1 out of every 6 games if possible when I move up fully to the $3 games. I'm finding the $2 180's to be challenging, even though good players seem to go on and on about how they are so easy. I just don't think I have enough sample under my belt to make up my mind about them as well as needing to adjust my strategy to keep from getting so short stacked and unable to make moves. I am comfortable with turbo structure though so once I figure it out I am confident I will make a good run sooner or later. Well that's about the happenings since the last time I wrote, nothing exciting but hopefully I can get back into the groove of grinding more and continue to make progress. Until next time, thanks for reading and good luck at the tables!

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